How to stop negative thoughts or negative thinking

stop negative thougths

    "Overthinking leads to negative thoughts " 

Our minds are too much occupied with negative thoughts. Around 60k -80k thoughts comes to our mind daily. Just imagine if you start entertaining all these thoughts how miserable will be your life. Thinking ability is the blessing only human being have got but we always misuse our potentials to create more complexity in our life.

Negative thoughts are harmful to our body and mind. Negative thoughts makes you more stressed and uncomfortable. Bad emotions are created by our body with responding to negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are created due to our negative thinking towards all the aspects of  life.

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” ~Dan Millman

Most of us have habit of always thinking, as our mind keeps on bringing thoughts. If you can't control negative thoughts then that will make you feel always sad or unhappy. Too much over thinking will create unhappy feelings and you will get disturbed in all the  moments of life.

You can’t always choose your thoughts. Sometimes those negative thoughts will pop into your head unconsciously and that’s okay. The important thing is you must recognize the negative thoughts in your mind and try to breathe out that negative energy, letting it flow through you, and turn your focus purposefully to more empowering thoughts and intentions.

Ways to deals with negative thoughts or thinking

Understand nature of your thoughts 

Try to understand what is the cause of your negative thoughts. Understanding your nature of thoughts you can take actions to reduce them. Observing thoughts closely will give you more clarity so that you can avoid unnecessary cravings created by thinking mind.

Negative thoughts are mostly due to worry of future or thoughts of past which keep dominating our mind. Break chain of negative thoughts by pivoting it to positive thoughts or positive future outcomes. Our mind always try to keep bringing negative thoughts so don't get carried away by the thoughts. Seeing is freeing the thoughts.

Get Busy

Whenever you are alone , intensity of negative thoughts increases drastically. Keeping yourself busy into something, that will not give scope to negative thoughts to keep running in mind. When you are busy you pay attention to the activity, so thoughts will get reduced to the minimum.

Try to divert your attention from negative thoughts by focusing on some activity or hobby. Empty your mind from thoughts of past grief or angers. Busy person generally don't have much time to think about anything, they keep rushing towards their destination without giving any chance to have another thoughts than their present activity.

Don't resist thoughts 

If you try to resist your thoughts they will become more aggressive. Resistance to thoughts will make you feel more confused and unhappy. Thoughts will keep on gaining momentum if you don't like them. Generally we observe that when we don't want to think about something then those thoughts will flow fiercely into our mind .

Just observe your thoughts. Thoughts will come & go. Just observe don't try to control . Eventually it will subside and you will feel relaxed. Seeing is freeing. Observing your thoughts means you can analyze whether thoughts are really important or they are unnecessary creating mess up by gaining momentum in the mind. Most of the thoughts are imaginary in nature.


Only best way to control your thoughts is meditation. Meditation will help you to focus on present moments so that there will be very less thoughts from past or future. Meditation's prime aim is to make your mind peaceful by reducing thoughts in the mind. Mediation will change your perspective towards life and your negativity will get vanished.

Practice meditation daily. It will take some time to get results ,but your mind will be peaceful & calm. Meditation helps you to develop self control & patience. Simply spend some time in silence alone. Our thinking habit has made our life unnecessarily too much busy and complicated .

Move around 

Keeping yourself physically active will reduce your intensity of  thoughts. When you move yourself then you  pay your attention to present activities so the negative thoughts in your mind will reduce considerably .Physical fitness will build your immunity to fight back the negativity.

Physical activities need too much attention so try to keep yourself busy in activities like swimming, running, jogging, cycling etc. Moving out of the place  will break the inertia of negative thoughts. By leaving the home you will observe surrounding so you will get busy in that observation, which will help to reduce intensity of thoughts going on in your mind .

Impermanence of thoughts 

Remember that thoughts are not permanent in nature. So many thoughts will come and go into your mind. So don't try to react to each and every thoughts. If you make wise decision not to bother about each and every thoughts coming in mind then only you can peacefully live your live. Thinking is the duty of mind so let it do his task,  you just be the observer on.

Negative thoughts  will get vanished after few time, so don't get too much overwhelmed by temporary thoughts. Just have some patience, you will forget all your worries and thoughts. Understanding impermanence of thoughts you will not react, so non-reaction will reduce your suffering and pain which would have created by thoughts .

Abstain yourself  from negative influences 

Source of your negative thoughts could be anything so try to avoid yourself from negative influences or information. Too much of hatred or outrages in the community will make you more vulnerable to the negativity in your life. So wisely choose your surrounding and information you feed to your mind .

We are getting more negative thoughts from media, people, bad relationships etc. avoid all of them so that you would not get hurt by them. Abstaining from negative peoples will avoid the consequences of negativity and bad thoughts or wrong interpretations about life.

Final Thoughts

  " What consumes your mind , controls your life "

Don't try to control your thoughts simply observe them. Thoughts will come and go.

Don't try to offer resistance to thoughts that will bounce back with intensity.

Try to understand nature of your worry or thoughts. Take actions on worries so that negative thoughts will subside. 

Thoughts are just creation of mind so try to practice keeping your mind peaceful through meditation. 

Divert your thoughts into something productive and get busy so that thoughts will reduce considerably.
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23 October 2020 at 05:52 ×

Take charge of your thoughts

Congrats bro Pind you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

If you have any doubts, please let me know ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon
